Dreaming of Sicily
Patrícia Matias aka dj Pat

Patrícia Matias aka dj Pat
Integer sodales turpis id sapien bibendum, ac tempor quam dignissim. Mauris feugiat lobortis dignissim. Aliquam facilisis, velit sit amet sagittis laoreet, urna risus porta nisi, nec fringilla diam leo quis purus.
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Blog Archive
- Have a nice weekend
- Just because the weekend is going to be hot
- The offering
- One from the heart
- In the shadow of a doubt
- Somos Todos Um
- Know your status
- Ashley Smith
- Watch less TV
- A friend of mine
- Dreaming of Sicily
- More
- Woman in red
- Isabel Marant fall/winter 2011/12
- In like a lamb
- I'm watching you
- Camouflage
- Forties fever
- Zebras
- António Variações
- Well, I must start studying
- We like cactus
- Ellen Von Unwerth
- Have a nice weekend
- Last night a dj saved my life!!
- With leaves in the head
- Pequenos crimes entre amigos
- Bye bye Summer!!
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- :s :o
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- At the end of innocence
- A swedish apartment
- I'm waiting for you
- Anja Rubik for Quazi
- It's saturday!!! Uhuhuh!!!
- A woman in green
- As cores da terra
- Waterproof
- Have a nice weekend
- Female masculinity
- Classics reinvented
- It inspires me...a lot!!!
- Shining and casual
- Claudia Schiffer
- Good job!!
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- Wings of desire
- Carmen Kass
- A. F. Vandevorst
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- I'm not in love
- 11th September
- Have a nice weekend
- The Easter Bunny
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- Vibrant make up
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- Hanna
- Vogue Italia
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- At the playground
- Maria Antonieta por Stefan Zweig
- It's monday! Start working!
- Blue monday
- Colourful monday
- Here it goes: my new set
- Ride a bike
- Inspiration from Dazed & Confused
- Have a nice weekend
- Make up work - part 2
- Make up work - part 1
- Purple hair
- Paper crown
- Bossy pants
- Doc Martens
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