In blonde definition of blonde urban dictionary


A hair color sometimes associated with unintelligence when in fact intelligence is not affected noticeably by hair color.She's blonde...who cares?

A hair color that's a light gold color, and is usually associated with ditziness and stupidity. Usually they're just as smart as people with other hair colors, but some of them act dumb because they think the whole "dumb blonde" thing is cute or something. They're not necessarily prettier than brunettes or other hair colors, but some of them put extra effort into makeup, fashion and weight control because of what society expects of blondes. Hair color is entirely superficial, and it's extremely shallow to judge entirely on a physical feature that can be changed as easy as hair color. Certainly some blondes are ditzy and stupid, but so can anyone. Let their personality speak for itself, not their hair.As a brunette, I haven't noticed any correlation between blondes and ditziness at my school. Some of them are even at the top of our class.
It's a hair colour (gold, usually), NOT a personality trait.

The dumb blonde cliché started with the kinds of characters Marylin Monroe played in many of her movies. She usually played characters who were pretty ditsy, though sometimes she came through with some profoundly wise insight. So when people blame their ditsiness or naivety on being blonde, they are just pandering to a popular culture stereotype.

In other words, being blonde has nothing to do with being stupid. Being stupid has everything to do with being stupid.Marylin Monroe's character, at the end of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, convinces her would-be father-in-law that women chasing after rich men is like men chasing after beautiful women.

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