This is the story of someone who has read something somewhere and told me. Well, I somehow knew it already.

Some days ago he told me that he has read that the squares pattern (plaid) was back again. I said: "Great news! I knew it already!!"
Look at fashion editorials, look at the Bershka catalogue, look at the coming back of the 90's music. When music comes back, so also fashion comes along with it. And here you have, an editorial that seems taken from the 90's and Nirvana. And it's beautiful!!
Há alguns dias atrás ele disse-me que tinha lido em algum lado, que as camisas aos quadrados estavam outra vez na moda. E eu respondi: "Grande novidade! Já sabia disso há muito tempo."
Vejam os editoriais de moda, o catálogo da Bershka, vejam o regresso da música dos anos 90. Quando a música regressa, a moda dessa época regressa também. E aqui têm um editorial que parece ter saído dos anos 90 e dos Nirvana. E está lindo!!
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