Esta banda nasceu em Berlim, em 1980. É uma banda de música experimental e uma das primeiras bandas de industrial.
Einstuerzende Neubauten significa "Novos prédios desabando".
Einstuerzende Neubauten significa "Novos prédios desabando".
Eu cheguei a organizar e a participar num desfile, cuja banda sonora era exclusivamente desta banda, no antigo bar Art's, em Leiria.
This band was born in Berlin, in 1980. Their music is experimental and they were one of the first industrial bands.
This band was born in Berlin, in 1980. Their music is experimental and they were one of the first industrial bands.
Einstuerzende Neubauten means "new buildings falling".
I even organized a fashion show where the music was all from this band.
You will find me if you want me in the garden
Unless it's pouring down with rain........
Unless it's pouring down with rain........
2 intense minds:
Acho que ainda tenho um album em vinyl deles.
Lembro-me da capa ser preta com um unicornio vermelho. Right?
e era mesmo como eu disse...
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