In Kabul skate skateistanwar guerra religion religião

SKATEISTAN - To live and skate in Kabul

source: weareyouneak, youtube

This is very interesting!!

Here you have some youtube comments to this video:

"Religion is responsible for more War, Hate and Violence then anything else in the history of the world. Get your bullshit out of here jkulesh"

"I dont want war anymore.. This war perhaps has shead much blood and presented millions of tears. But in the end... It has promoted growth and a deeper knowledge of faith. Faith that is not bound to one god or one diety or one specific effigy. And helped a younger genereation find true freedom. Not one of guns and wars and Wars fuled by a belife that only one religion is right. But a generation That does not care if your black or white. Arabic or Japanese. South Korean or North Korean."

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