In Vitalic woo repair machines youtube comments funny hilarious


While I was looking for Vitalic's videos at youtube, I found the most intriguing and hilarious comments.

Here you have some of them:

"Just had a pretty big eargasm after hearing this. Gonna take me a while to clean up the mess I made."

"I wanna rave right now."

"A complete and utter brain blood bath"

"putz pu putz pu putz pu putz pu"

"this video makes me think of robot pirates having anal sex."

"last night i was on my first acid trip ever.. it was just comming up when i listened to that song and happened to read that comment.. the following hours mainly consisted of hysterical laughter and the imaginartion of robot pirates having anal sex.. thank you :/"

"sssshhhh don't kill the magic"

"this song makes me think of rabbits eating carrots in a field :) "

"To everyone that keeps asking why this song makes me think of robot pirates having anal sex. When i first commented it, the top 2 comments were "this song makes me think of robot pirates" and "this song makes me think of anal sex" so it instantly made me think about robot pirates having anal sex :D"

"gay robot pirates?wtf?? :))))"

"robotic anal pirates have feelings too!"

"what makes them gay?"

"Desperation probably. Could be peer pressure. They might have been abused as children. But hey, they're bound to be happy. Gay means happy right? XD"


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