In Brad Pitt Cate Blanchet cinema David Fincher film filme getting old movie movie trailer The Curious Case of Benjamin Button the movie I watched yesterday

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

I watched this movie yesterday and loved it. I've been thinking about it today, which is a good sign. It means that it's a good movie and as you should already know, I always recommend good movies to you.
 You can read more about it here.

"Did I ever tell you I was struck by lightning seven times?"

So watch it and say something about it. Enjoy!

Ontem vi este filme e gostei muito. Hoje dei por mim a pensar nele, o que é bom sinal. Significa que é bom. E como já devem ter percebido, costumo recomendar-vos bons filmes.
Podem saber mais sobre o filme aqui.

Vejam o filme e depois digam alguma coisa. Divirtam-se!

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