Finalmente!!!! HiiiiiiiiiiiHaaaaaaaaaa!! Grande noite! Depois de alguns meses de espera, tivemos finalmente uma noite muito boa, com boa música e muito boa vibe. :D
Foi a rentrée da Sushi, uma discoteca em Leiria. Fomos para a Sushi Electronica e dançámos toda a noite ao som dos djs Rita Zukt e DJazzzy.
Carreguei as minhas baterias! :D Já tinha saudades de uma noite assim!!!
Infelizmente não tenho fotos dessa noite. As que aqui estão são de sexta à noite, no Anúbis, um bar em Leiria.
Finally!!!! HiiiiiiiiiiiiHaaaaaaaaaaa!!! It was a hell of a night! After some months of waiting, we finally had a very nice night with good music and good vibes. :D
Infelizmente não tenho fotos dessa noite. As que aqui estão são de sexta à noite, no Anúbis, um bar em Leiria.
Finally!!!! HiiiiiiiiiiiiHaaaaaaaaaaa!!! It was a hell of a night! After some months of waiting, we finally had a very nice night with good music and good vibes. :D
It was the re-opening of Sushi, a disco in Leiria. And so we went to Sushi Electronica and danced all night long to the sounds of the djs Rita Zukt and DJazzzy.
Unfortunatelly I don't have photos of that night. But those were taken on friday night, at Anubis, a bar at Leiria.
My batteries are charged now. :D How I missed that!!!
Unfortunatelly I don't have photos of that night. But those were taken on friday night, at Anubis, a bar at Leiria.
P.S: O título deste post é a frase que vinha no convite para a Sushi.
P.S.: The title of this post is the sentence that appeared in the invitation to Sushi.
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