É fim-de-semana...ou quase!!! Cá em Leiria, os bares e discotecas estão a voltar ao normal. Já que no Verão a maior parte da população vai para os bares das praias da zona. Alguns bares e discotecas de Leiria estão a reabrir e aclamam que vai haver mudanças. Veremos! Quanto a mim, espero divertir-me muito e espero vir a tocar em muitos deles. Veremos! ;)
Estas fotos são The cobra snake: www.thecobrasnake.com
Inspirem-se, para ter muito estilo e, acima de tudo: DIVIRTAM-SE!!!!! :p
It's weekend... or almost!! Here, in Leiria, the bars and discotheques are starting to get their usual life now. Some of them are re-opening and they acclaim there will be some changes. Well, let's see. As for me, I hope I will have much fun and I hope I will play in many of them. We'll see. ;)
It's weekend... or almost!! Here, in Leiria, the bars and discotheques are starting to get their usual life now. Some of them are re-opening and they acclaim there will be some changes. Well, let's see. As for me, I hope I will have much fun and I hope I will play in many of them. We'll see. ;)
These photos are from the cobra snake: www.thecobrasnake.com
Inspire yourself to have a great look this weekend and, most important: HAVE FUN!!!! :p
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