Today I show you an editorial that was photographed by Steven Meisel. The photos look like they heve been taken from a movie and here we have two things that don't seem to have nothing in common: vintage and toys/robots.

An alien addicted to music, fashion, make up, painting, design, photography while trying to figure the whole cosmos through metaphysics, quantum physics, philosophy, literature and...
In barbara guimaraes portuguese woman tv ícon magazine fashion editorial photo photography fotografia steven meisel robots toys vintage bonecos vestidos dress white branco filme movie film
Posted on 18 outubro, 2009
Integer sodales turpis id sapien bibendum, ac tempor quam dignissim. Mauris feugiat lobortis dignissim. Aliquam facilisis, velit sit amet sagittis laoreet, urna risus porta nisi, nec fringilla diam leo quis purus.
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